Use our Free tax calculators
Whether you are after a self-employed tax calculator, a dividend calculator or a corporation tax calculator, Crunch has you covered. Instantly see if you could be more tax-efficient and work out your income after tax, giving you a good overview of your finances.
Wanting access to more helpful resources for FREE?
Crunch Free offers unlimited invoicing, quote templates, straightforward bookkeeping, automated expense tracking, and open banking. It's the ideal choice for startups or those wanting hands-on accounting.
Software Features
Create & Send Invoices
Create invoices and send on the go. Send custom and unlimited invoices from your laptop, smartphone or tablet in just a few clicks.
Expense Management
Say goodbye to inputting data manually. Save time by automating and tracking your expenses. Scan receipts and claim straight away.
Bank Reconciliation
Keep your financials up to date by easily matching up your expenses and invoice payments through bank reconciliation.
Open Banking
Connect your bank and import your statements to reconcile transactions. Transactions go straight to Crunch daily.
Get custom reports and insights in real time with Brixx, to help you keep on top of your cash flow and support you on future business decisions.
Upload Bank Statement
Streamline your financial tracking and analysis by effortlessly importing your financial data for a comprehensive overview of your accounts.
Discover our accounting software, designed to intuitively fit into your daily financial routines. Experience the harmony of efficiency and simplicity on your financial journey.
Software & service in one
We actively support your business by managing deadlines, advising on tax relief, assisting with registrations, and liaising with HMRC. Our commitment extends beyond tasks, focusing on delivering quality work and proactive accounting advice tailored to your needs.